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Message from the Pastor



It's almost time for our Annual Meeting!






Council has worked hard this year to plan an informative and inspirational Annual Meeting. Budget materials were available beginning last Sunday and the rest of the packet will be distributed on November 17th. You can also find it attached below if you received this newsletter via email.


After church on November 17, our Financial Administrator, Cynthia Asghar, will walk us through the budget and assets reports and answer any questions you might have.


On November 24, we will have a shorter worship service followed by a business meeting in the sanctuary. Our hope is that, with the opportunity to review and discuss the Annual Reports in advance, we can finish our business meeting efficiently and effectively so that we can gather in the Fellowship Hall by noon to enjoy a light meal and turn our conversation towards Imagining Together: Epiphany's Future and Call. This discussion will be hybrid. You can register to join us Zoom here:


The Council and I are asking each of you to ponder these questions in the next week so that we all might come to the conversation with our imaginations fully primed:

  1. How is Epiphany uniquely and faithfully living into our call as Jesus' disciples right now?

  2. What might Jesus be calling us to do and be in this particular time and place?

  3. What roadblocks are preventing us from being all that Jesus is calling us to be?

  4. What might we do if we knew we could not fail?






Wild Blessings!

Pastor Larissa Forsythe

1:1 Meetings with Pastor Larissa

Click the link to schedule a 1:1 meeting with Pastor Larissa. 1:1 meetings are not about church business or about addressing specific pastoral care needs but about getting to know one another more authentically!

Liturgists Needed!

YOU have what it takes to read the scripture during the worship service at Epiphany, UCC! Pastor Larissa and other veteran liturgists are here to answer any questions and calm any nerves! Sign up here: Summer Scripture Reader Sign Up Sheet

The Welcome Meal Needs You!


E very Wednesday, Welcome Meal volunteers come together to serve dinner and connect with the amazing Welcome Meal community. It’s easy to participate and you will be so happy that you did!  Sign up!

UCC Disaster Response

Epiphany's Council has committed $250 to the UCC Response to Hurricane Helene. If you would like to add to that amount, you can donate to Epiphany online and use the Disaster Response line item or write a check and put Hurricane Disaster Response in the memo line. You can also contribute directly to the UCC Disaster Response Ministry here:


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