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Godly Play

A creative, child-honoring way of entering into and

experiencing the biblical story.



 In Godly Play, we play with the language of God and God’s People: our sacred stories, parables, liturgical actions, and silence. Through this powerful language, through our wondering, through the community of players gathered together, we hear the deepest invitation of all: an invitation to come play with God. 


 Godly Play respects the innate spirituality of children and encourages curiosity and imagination in experiencing the mystery and joy of God. It is a way of preparing children to join in the worship and life of their congregations as they develop a deeper understanding of stories, symbols and rites. 


A Godly Play session includes a time to get ready, tell a story using objects, explore the story more with open questions and discussion, respond with a free choice using a variety of materials, and enjoy a simple feast. 


Each Sunday, early in the worship service, children 5 years and older are invited to join the Godly Play mentors at the front on the sanctuary. Mentors will guide the children through the left side door. After the benediction, caregivers are invited to go through the same door and reunite with their children at the threshold of the Godly Play room. 


On the 1st Sunday of the month, the children will return to the sanctuary to participate in the sacrament with their families and as a whole gathering of the body of Christ. 

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